Lynette Moran

I am interested in grief and loss, memory and place, environmental sociology, and "the sacred" in religion. My passion is for understanding how people make meaning in our social structures and processes, especially around times of trauma and transition. I hope to understand how individual and collective memories and emotions impact how we define social problems and vice versa.

Education & Training

  • MA, Texas State University, 2012
  • MTS, University of Boston, 2006
  • BA, University of Texas at Dallas, 2004

Representative Publications

Moran, Lynette S. 2016. "Men in Mourning: Depictions of Masculinity in Young and Older Widowers in Contemporary Film." Men and Masculinities 19(1): 85-104.

Research Interests

  • Emotions (grief)
  • Place
  • Environment
  • Religion