Elizah Henry

Elizah Henry is interested in social movement/countermovement interaction and the iterative process of identity formation and framing/counterframing. Their current research focuses on emergent dynamics of political and cultural polarization in the United States. In the future, Elizah intends to expand their research beyond the U.S. to examine the global decline of liberal democracy and rise of authoritarianism. They chose the field of sociology because of its potential to open pathways of liberation by drawing connections between personal experiences and social forces. Elizah's hope is that as a society, we will use our sociological imagination to collectively address social inequalities and build communities of care.

Education & Training

  • B.A. California State University, Chico, 2021

Research Interest Summary

Social Movements/Countermovements, Political and Cultural Polarization, Extremism, Fascism, Anti-fascism, Anarchism