Racheal Pinkham

Racheal Pinkham aims to use their scholarship to challenge and reconstruct theory pertaining to identities that fall in the “fringes,” bringing those voices to the forefront so they can be heard and accounted for. They are interested in queer, rural, disabled, and mixed-race populations, and are broadly invested in issues of class and inequality. Their previous research explored queer identity and belonging in the rural west. During this time, they co-authored a publication describing how Matthew Shepard’s legacy has shaped collective memory in Wyoming’s queer community. Racheal’s current research is a critique of urban predominance in queer literature. They hope to elucidate this disparity by publishing on queer rural organizational practices and activism.

Education & Training

  • B.A. University of Wyoming, 2023

Representative Publications

Tabler, J., Pinkham, R., Schmitz, R. M., & Golladay, K. (2023). The legacy of Matthew Shepard: Queer erasure and the lives of rural LGBTQ+ young adults. Sociology Lens, 36(3), 282–304. https://doi.org/10.1111/johs.12432 

Research Interest Summary

Queer Sociology, Rural Sociology, Class Inequality, Identity Formation, Disability Studies, and Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies